About The Tamahere Park Fitness Equipment
Firstly it was funded by a combination of grants and charitable contribution.
$XXX was received from the YYYY charitable trust for which the Tamahere Community is extremely grateful.
The balance of the total cost of $KKKK was made up by the Waikato District Council $UUUU
The facilities shown to the right were installed by BBBB company under the guidance of health and fitness professional CCCC DDDD.
The equipment is for community use, therefore we ask you to take care of it, noting and reporting any damage which may occur, whether unintentional or intentional vandalism.
The placement of this equipment is as a result of the efforts of your Community Committee which meets the first Tuesday of every month across at the Community Hall at 7.30pm. You are cordially invited to attend to listen in to whats happening in your community and even voice a concern and make a contribution.